Rich Bucher, one of the co-founders of Turnkey Pharmacy Solutions, makes a long-awaited appearance on the podcast with Greg and Rob. Rich and Rob share anecdotes from their early days getting involved in external 340B support (23:26). Rich also shares some thoughts on 340B topics like GPO Prohibition mitigation strategies (39:13), what to make of the FAQ 4301 developments earlier this year (49:58) and opinions on recent state-enacted laws addressing contract pharmacy provisions (57:49).
In the intro, Greg, Rob, and Rich get caught up on manufacturer restrictions and react to inquiries sent to 340B hospitals from the Senate HELP Committee.
Please email us with questions or suggested podcast topics at 340BUnscripted@spendmend.com.
Also, don’t forget to register for an upcoming SpendMend webinar focusing on innovative pharmacy supply chain management: