Monday Feb 13, 2023
Ep 13 | Update on Manufacturer Restrictions for 340B Contract Pharmacies
In this episode, Rob and Greg catch up on recent 340B developments, including the 3rd Circuit Court ruling on one of the contract pharmacy cases and the subsequent changes to some manufacturer's policies (1:36), how the new shape of the Senate HELP Committee may influence 340B legislative debate, and why a renewed focus on advocacy might be helpful (9:39) and what the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) might mean for 340B Program operations (15:54).
Later, Rob and Greg are joined by colleague Riley Protz (25:24), and they discuss the latest challenges with manufacturer restrictions in the 340B contract pharmacy space. They’ll recap the most up-to-date manufacturer policies, address the many difficulties with uploading data to 340B ESP, and highlight how the SpendMend pharmacy team has been supporting covered entities in navigating the issue.
Senate HELP Committee Membership: